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Oak Meadow Biology:The Study of Life -- $25 ppd. Nice. c2019 use with Holt McDougal Biology student ed c2012. andiekd 08/06 |
Oak Meadow Coursebook Gr K -- $175 ppd. Nice. no writing, c2015, minor wear, . kurriculumkorner 08/23 |
Oak Meadow Psychology -- $15 ppd. Nice. c2020 Use with Exploring Psychology in Modules 11 edition (2019. andiekd 08/06 |
Oak Meadow Religions of the World -- $15 ppd. Good. c2012 includes textbook. andiekd 08/06 |
Oak Meadow Resource Book gr K -- $45 ppd. Nice. no writing, minor wear, c2015. kurriculumkorner 08/23 |
Oceans for Every Kid , Grs. K-8 -- $8 ppd. Nice. J VanCleave, easy activities to make science come alive. kurriculumkorner 08/23 |
October Reproducible Activities, Gr. 4 -- $5 ppd. Nice. gr 4-5, fun filled act to teach basic skills, Mailbox pub. kurriculumkorner 08/23 |
Odyssey Imagination Station Readers, Grs. K-8 -- $15 ppd. New. Redcoats. Coming, Captured on High Seas, Suprise. Yorktown (3bks). ISBN 9781589977747 mountainmama 08/12 |
Official SAT study guide with DVD, Grs. 9-12 -- $15 ppd. Nice. College Board:testing tips and 10 practice tests with answers. ISBN 9780874479799 susie_r 08/07 |
Old Man and the Sea, Hemingway -- $3 ppd. New. never used. Shipping not included in price. . gs_arrows 09/04 |
Old Western Culture; the Aeneid DVD, Grs. 9-12 -- $25 ppd. Nice. [+] slumsdaine 09/06 |
Old Western Culture; the Greeks, Grs. 9-12 -- $50 ppd. Nice. ISBN 9781944482268 [+] slumsdaine 09/06 |
Old Western Culture; the Historians, Grs. 9-12 -- $40 ppd. Nice. ISBN 9781944482053 [+] slumsdaine 09/06 |
Old Western Culture; the Novels DVDs, Grs. 9-12 -- $25 ppd. Nice. [+] slumsdaine 09/06 |
Old World Europe, 2nd ed., Teacher's -- $25 ppd. Nice. ISBN 9780983758150 [+] athomemama 08/26 |
On Obligations- Cicero -- $10 ppd. Good. pencil underlines/highlts, pb, Oxford World Classic-Trans-Walsh. ISBN 9780199540716 kurriculumkorner 08/23 |
One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich, Grs. 9-12 -- $5. Nice. Silzhenitsyn, Alexander. Bantam Dell, 2005. . ISBN 0553247778 diacb 09/02 |
One Hundred & One Devotions 4 HS Moms -- $7 ppd. Nice. pb, no writing, by J Wellwood, Re-affirming!. kurriculumkorner 08/23 |
One if by Land a Massachusetts Number -- $3. Nice. Book. signed by author. Did you know that the US dollars are. [+] barbara_in_nh 09/12 |
One Nation, Fifty States , Grs. K-8 -- $7 ppd. Nice. prev ed, 50 units- across curriculum-Language/math etc. kurriculumkorner 08/23 |
One Thousand and One Arabian Nights -- $7 ppd. Good. McCaughrean, Oxford Press, paperback, no marks. ISBN 9780192750136 jacblily_joys 08/15 |
One Year Novel set -- $100. Nice. campdigjen 08/22 |
Operation World by Jason Mandryk -- $10 ppd. Nice. revised 7th edition current Prayer Guide to Every Nation. loveteach4kids 08/27 |
Operation World--the definitive prayer -- $4. Nice. guide to every nation. 7th edition. All countries of the world. [+] barbara_in_nh 09/12 |
Orani: My Father’s Village -- $22 ppd. Nice. Nivola, used with SCM’s Visits to Europe Geography, hardback. ISBN 9780374356576 stalladay 09/13 |
Ordinary Parent's Guide to , Gr. K -- $15 ppd. Good. Guide to Teaching Reading by Jessie Wise and Sara Buffington. ISBN 9780972860314 hil_and 09/05 |
Ordinary Parents Guide Teaching Readg -- $14 ppd. Good. minor wear form use, no writing, pb, excellent resource. kurriculumkorner 08/23 |
Origami Math , Grs. K-5 -- $7 ppd. Nice. gr 2-3, vocab/geometry/fractions/measure, easy to make, . kurriculumkorner 08/23 |
Origami With Leonor , Grs. 6-12 -- $8 ppd. Good. Vol 2; DaVinci Kids Entertainment; 1 dvd. doublehappy 08/02 |
Original Summer Bridge Activities, Gr. 4 -- $8 ppd. Nice. Gr 4-5; Rainbow Bridge Publishing. doublehappy 08/02 |
Origins of Rocks & Minerals , Grs. 6-12 -- $7 ppd. Nice. Earth Exploration Company; booklet-style. doublehappy 08/02 |
Orthopedic Disorders , College -- $7 ppd. Nice. Clinical Nursing Series by Mosby Publishing. ISBN 0801634385 doublehappy 08/01 |
Our Animal Friends , Grs. K-5 -- $30 ppd. New. Discovering Nature Series; Our Animal Friends: Queen Homeschool. timnikki 08/13 |
Our Constitution Rocks , Grs. 9-12 -- $12 ppd. Good. A complete study of the US Constitution and its meaning. ISBN 9780310734215 annabrett 09/14 |
Our Empire Story by H. E. Marshall, Grs. 6-12 -- $19 ppd. Nice. Classic History of British Empire, Living Books Curriculum Yr 8. ISBN 1599150875 p31wannabe 07/27 |
Our Environment , Grs. K-5 -- $6 ppd. Good. Thematic Unit- TCM- Primary level. kurriculumkorner 08/23 |
Our God-Breathed Book: The Bible, Grs. 9-12 -- $15 ppd. Nice. Hardback; Dr John Rice (author). ISBN 0873986288 doublehappy 07/31 |
Our Golden California, Juanita Houston, Gr. 4 -- $45 ppd. Nice. Student Textbook, Student Tests, and Teacher's Guidebook. momof5 09/02 |
Our Land Publications - My Indiana, Gr. 4 -- $20 ppd. Nice. Folder is a bit beat up but the materials are clean and nice. . raisethemup 09/17 |
Our Life in the Church &Art Thru Faith, Gr. 8 -- $38 ppd. Nice. 3 Beautiful Catholic Books! Faith & Life Series: Our Life in. [+] marylovestoteach 08/13 |
Our Night Sky Great Courses dvd & book -- $18 ppd. Nice. Includes 2-sided planisphere (isbn 97809613207). ISBN 159803667X lfoote 08/29 |
Our Young Folks' Plutarch -- $22 ppd. Good. ISBN 1599152088 [+] athomemama 08/26 |
Outdoor/Indoor Trips That Teach, Grs. K-8 -- $10 ppd. Nice. (2 vol)Activities to enrich educational excursions. Reproducible. paleshafer 08/15 |
Outlines of Botany- Classic Reprint -- $10 ppd. Nice. Forgotten Books Based on Gray's Lessons min wear no writing. loveteach4kids 08/27 |
Outlining , Grs. 6-8 -- $10 ppd. New. Step by Step Outlining Instruction and Practice; Remedia Pub. . marina 09/04 |
Outlining, Note Taking, Report Writing, Grs. K-8 -- $3 ppd. Nice. free with $10 purchase! Helps for writing, pback, no marks.. ISBN 0883138506 susie_r 08/07 |
Oxford First Book of Art -- $10 ppd. Nice. hardback, oversized, beautifully illus, incl theme activities. kurriculumkorner 08/23 |
Oxford's Henry VI Part 1 PB , Grs. 9-12 -- $11 ppd. Nice. Very light wear edited by Michael Taylor, modern spelling. jezzxlou 08/22 |