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100 Days of Decimals, Percepts & -- $4. Nice. Fractions-Humble Math. Practice problems for decimals, percents. ISBN 9781635783186 [+] barbara_in_nh 09/12 |
501 Spanish Verbs w cd rom & audio -- $13 ppd. Nice. pb, Barron's, alphabetically arranged, easy to use. ISBN 9780764197970 kurriculumkorner 09/12 |
A Beka Adventures in Other Lands, Gr. 4 -- $4. Good. 2nd ed. No writing inside. nohermanv 09/13 |
A Beka Adventures in Other Lands -- $10. Nice. Speed and Comprehension Reader (2nd ed). kbriant 09/13 |
A Beka Aesop's Fables, Handbook for Reading,, Gr. 1 -- $37. Good. 7 bk set! eCur! Kind & Brave, Down by Sea, Strong & True, Anima. nohermanv 09/12 |
A Beka Algebra 1, Gr. 9 -- $43. Fair. 3 bks:St Wkbk (worn but no writing), Quizzes & Tests, & Q/T Key. nohermanv 09/12 |
A Beka Algebra 1 Student Book & Test Book -- $25 ppd. Nice. No writing or marks whatsoever. Covers looks like new!. momma25grls 09/13 |
A Beka All Kinds of Animals, Gr. 2 -- $5 ppd. Good. c. 1988. violamom 09/11 |
A Beka America Land I Love, Gr. 8 -- $64. Good. eCur e4! 4 bks: St text, Text Key, Quiz/Test Key 1, Geog Key. nohermanv 09/12 |
A Beka Arithmetic 4 Worktext Answer Key, Gr. 4 -- $5. Good. 4th ed. Cover shows wear. A few pgs with with writing. nohermanv 09/13 |
A Beka Arithmetic 5, Gr. 5 -- $5. Good. Quizzes, Tests, & Speed Drills. Current 4th ed. Unused. nohermanv 09/13 |
A Beka Arithmetic 6 student text + Teacher Ed, Gr. 6 -- $27. Good. e3. St text missing pp. 1-28 (of 415 pgs). Pp. 26-40 detached. nohermanv 09/13 |
A Beka Basic Mathematics Teacher & Solutions -- $12 ppd. Good. Teacher Manual and Solutions Key. Older Addition. . momma25grls 09/13 |
A Beka Consumer Math Skiill/Reviews & Key -- $50 ppd. Nice. #2662x0 & 266380, current in 24, no writing. kurriculumkorner 09/12 |
A Beka Discovering God's World sci reader, Gr. 1 -- $10 ppd. Nice. Student book c. 2015, 4th edition. violamom 09/11 |
A Beka Enjoying God's World Reader, 4th ed, Gr. 2 -- $10 ppd. Nice. Student Reader, c. 2005, 4th ed. . violamom 09/11 |
A Beka Geography Bowl Quiz Book, Grs. 6-8 -- $3. Good. Current 3rd edition! 7 copies available. nohermanv 09/13 |
A Beka God's Gift of Language A Answer Key, Gr. 4 -- $20 ppd. New. violamom 09/11 |
A Beka God's World K5, Gr. K5 -- $10 ppd. Good. 4th ed c. 2013. violamom 09/11 |
A Beka Grammar and Composition II, Fifth ed, Gr. 8 -- $5 ppd. New. Unused Quiz/Test Key. violamom 09/11 |
A Beka Grammar and Composition IV, Gr. 10 -- $22. Good. Teacher Key. eCur e4! Orig cost: $45. nohermanv 09/12 |
A Beka Health in Christian Perspective, Gr. 9 -- $2. Good. Text Answer Key. Current 2nd edition!. nohermanv 09/13 |
A Beka Health in Christian Perspective 5-bks, Grs. 6-12 -- $45 ppd. Nice. 2e; Text, Text key, Quiz/Tests, Q/T key, Man/Lsn Plns. No wrtng. lginco 09/11 |
A Beka Health, Safety, and Manners Reader, Gr. 2 -- $10 ppd. Good. violamom 09/11 |
A Beka Hidden Treasure, Gr. 2 -- $5 ppd. Good. c. 1986. violamom 09/11 |
A Beka History of the World, Gr. 7 -- $6. Fair. Student text. eCur. 5th ed. Cover shows wear. Some highlighting. nohermanv 09/13 |
A Beka Kings of Israel Hebrew History 4bk Set, Grs. 9-12 -- $40 ppd. Nice. 3e. Text, Quiz/Test bk & Key, Man/Lsn Plns; no writing, exc cnd. lginco 09/11 |
A Beka Kings of Israel Student Study Outline, Gr. 9 -- $4. Fair. Current 3rd edition. Cover shows wear. No writing inside. nohermanv 09/13 |
A Beka Let's Be Healthy Complete Set -6 Books, Gr. 8 -- $30 ppd. Nice. early edition, Text, Key, Tests, Test Key, Quiz, quiz key. loveteach4kids 09/13 |
A Beka Mountain Pathways, Gr. 6 -- $5. Good. e2. Cover shows wear but inside is clean & without writing. nohermanv 09/13 |
A Beka My America & My World reader, Gr. 1 -- $10 ppd. Good. Student reader, 4th ed, c. 2005. violamom 09/11 |
A Beka New World History & Geography, Gr. 6 -- $14. Fair. St bk + Test Key. eCur e4! Lots of highlighting & some writing. nohermanv 09/12 |
A Beka No Longer a Nobody, Gr. 2 -- $5 ppd. Good. c. 2005. violamom 09/11 |
A Beka Of Places -- $30. Nice. Student text & tests with speed comprehension quizzes (5th ed). kbriant 09/13 |
A Beka Old World History & Geography, Gr. 5 -- $4. Good. Student text. 3rd edition. nohermanv 09/12 |
A Beka Our America reader, Gr. 2 -- $10 ppd. Good. 4th edition, c. 2006. violamom 09/11 |
A Beka Paths of Gold, Gr. 2 -- $5 ppd. Nice. c. 1986. violamom 09/11 |
A Beka Penmanship Mastery I, Gr. 4 -- $3. Good. 4th edition. 7 pages have writing. . nohermanv 09/12 |
A Beka Phonics and Language 2, Gr. 2 -- $2. Good. Teacher Test Key. Current edition!. nohermanv 09/13 |
A Beka Primary Bible Reader, Gr. 1 -- $4. Good. Current 2nd ed. No writing inside. Cover shows slight wear. nohermanv 09/13 |
A Beka Quests for Adventure, Silver Sails, Gr. 2 -- $7. Good. $7 for the set of 4 books: Paths of Gold, Treasure Chest. nohermanv 09/13 |
A Beka Science Earth and Space, Gr. 8 -- $25. Fair. eCur e2! Text, St Tests (like new), Test Key, & Activity Bk Key. nohermanv 09/12 |
A Beka Science Matter and Energy, Gr. 9 -- $148. Nice. eCur e2! 8 book set. Orig $226. Student Text, Text Answer Key, . [+] nohermanv 09/12 |
A Beka Science:Order & Design Activity Bk Key, Gr. 7 -- $6 ppd. Nice. mild cover wear, otherwise like new. violamom 09/11 |
A Beka Silver Sails, Gr. 2 -- $5 ppd. Good. c. 2006. violamom 09/11 |
A Beka STEM Project Guide, Gr. 9 -- $29. Nice. Student book + Teacher Edition (2 bks). Current ed! Orig. $48. nohermanv 09/12 |
A Beka Story Tree, Gr. 2 -- $5 ppd. Nice. c. 1996. violamom 09/11 |
A Beka Treasure Chest, Gr. 2 -- $5 ppd. Good. c. 1995. violamom 09/11 |
A Beka Understanding God's World 3-book Set, Gr. 4 -- $35 ppd. Nice. 4e: Text, Answer Key, Quiz/Test Key; no writing, exc cond. lginco 09/11 |
A Beka United States History: Heritage of Fre, Gr. 11 -- $18. New. Teacher's Edition, Test Key, & Quiz Key. 3rd ed. nohermanv 09/12 |
A Beka Windows to the World, Gr. 5 -- $2. Fair. ePrev. Cover shows wear. Some bent pages. No writing inside. nohermanv 09/13 |
A Beka World Geography, Gr. 9 -- $73. Nice. eCur e2! 6 bks: St Text + Key, Quiz/Test + Key, Map Studies + Key. nohermanv 09/12 |
A Beka World History and Cultures, Gr. 10 -- $20. Good. eCur e3! Has some highlighting & underlining. Orig $56. nohermanv 09/12 |
A Beka World History and Cultures, Gr. 10 -- $25. Good. e3. eCur! Cover shows wear. Doesn't have writing or marks inside. nohermanv 09/13 |
A Childs Geography Vol 1 Explore Earth, Grs. K-5 -- $15 ppd. Nice. by Ann Voskamp, with CD, published 2008 KnowledgeQuest. ISBN 1932786325 ceh17 09/14 |
A History of US-War, Peace & All that -- $4. Nice. Jazz. 1918 - 1945. Master storyteller Joy Hakim has excited. [+] barbara_in_nh 09/12 |
A Short Grammar of the English Tongue -- $22 ppd. Nice. With Three Hundred and Thirty Exercises, Meiklejohn. ISBN 9781377056975 stalladay 09/13 |
A Tale of Two Cities and CliffsNotes -- $14 ppd. Nice. ISBN 9780486406510 [+] manyblessings 09/13 |
Acting Out: The Workbook -- $4. Nice. This book provides scenarios for forum theatre that can be. [+] barbara_in_nh 09/12 |
Adventures of Penrose the Mathmatical -- $7 ppd. Nice. ISBN 1884550142 manyblessings 09/13 |
Algebra Essentials Practice Workbook -- $4. Nice. with Answers. Improve your Math Fluency Series. . ISBN 9781453661383 [+] barbara_in_nh 09/12 |
All About Spelling Level 1 & 2 , Grs. K-5 -- $30 ppd. Nice. c2014, teacher man. , word cards & box, stickers, progress chart. ISBN 9781935197041 [+] mjsauder 09/12 |
All About Spelling Level 3 , Grs. K-5 -- $10 ppd. Nice. c2014, teacher manual only. ISBN 9781935197065 mjsauder 09/12 |
All American History, Vol. 1 , Grs. 6-8 -- $20 ppd. Fair. Student Reader and Teacher's Guide Answer Key. ISBN 9781892427120 [+] violamom 09/11 |
Alpha Omega Horizons Math Teacher's Guide, Gr. 5 -- $16 ppd. Good. creases on cover, minimal wear, no writing, stray marks. loveteach4kids 09/13 |
Alpha Omega Lifepac drawing thomas kinkade set -- $25 ppd. Good. All 5 Student books teacher & dvd pencil writing 5 pages of 1. 10savedbygrace 09/12 |
Alpha Omega Lifepac language grade 9 student & tea -- $20 ppd. Nice. 8 student books missing book 1& 3. 10savedbygrace 09/12 |
Amazing Art! Lesson Plans for -- $10 ppd. Nice. Grades 6-12 by Christina Berretta no writing min wear. loveteach4kids 09/13 |
Apologia Biology Second Edition Complete Set, Grs. 9-12 -- $110 ppd. Nice. Text, notebook, solutions/tests; like new condition; sold as set. marina 09/12 |
Apologia Exploring Creation w/Physical Science -- $50 ppd. Nice. 2nd ed, set of 5:text, sol manual, CD, tests, lesson plans pack. ISBN 9781932012774 mpa 09/13 |
Apologia Exploring Creation with General Scienc, Grs. 9-12 -- $35 ppd. Fair. text book, solutions & tests, e3, c2019, MP3 Audio included. ISBN 9781946506276 [+] mjsauder 09/12 |
Apologia Exploring Creation with Zoology 1, Grs. K-8 -- $15 ppd. Good. Flying Creatures of the 5th day c2005. shannonm14 09/13 |
Apologia Exploring Creation with Zoology 2, Grs. K-8 -- $15 ppd. Good. Swimming Creatures of the 5th Day c2006. shannonm14 09/13 |
Apologia Solutions and Tests for Physics -- $12 ppd. Good. No writing; slight shelf wear; 2e; Exploring Creation with. . . . . ISBN 9781932012439 athomemama 09/12 |
Apologia Who Is God? And Can I Really Know Him -- $18 ppd. Nice. Biblical Worldview. ISBN 9781935495079 mpa 09/13 |
Apologia Who is God? And Can I Really Know Him?, Grs. K-5 -- $15 ppd. New. Volume 1, c. 2009. ISBN 9781935495079 violamom 09/11 |
Architecture Form, Space, & Order -- $5. Nice. This classic introduction to the principles of architecture is. ISBN 9780471286165 [+] barbara_in_nh 09/12 |
Art 4 For Young Catholics -- $8 ppd. Nice. 2013 Edition. ISBN 9781607040927 [+] manyblessings 09/13 |
ARTistic Pursuits High School Book One, Grs. 9-12 -- $28 ppd. Nice. Elements of Art and Compostion by Ellis, no writing, 3rd ed. loveteach4kids 09/13 |
Astronomy for Every Kid-J Van Cleave -- $10 ppd. Nice. 101 Easy Experiments, pb, . kurriculumkorner 09/12 |
Balancing the Sword -- $30. Nice. Volume 1 and 2. kbriant 09/13 |
Beautiful Feet History of the Horse -- $45 ppd. Good. Includes guide, 5 MHenry books, Draw 50 Horses Gr 3-6, c1997. ISBN 9780012058930 jawoock1 09/11 |
Benjamin Franklin, A Biography in His -- $4. Nice. Own Words. hdbk w/dj. Benjamin Franklin never finished writing. [+] barbara_in_nh 09/12 |
Beowulf , Grs. 9-12 -- $10 ppd. Nice. Translated by Rebsamen; cover diff. than Amazon link. ISBN 0060573783 geehee 09/12 |
Beowulf to Beatles-Approaches to -- $3. Good. Poetry. Includes: Poetry: What it is & What it Does, Critical. [+] barbara_in_nh 09/12 |
Bible History -- $9 ppd. Nice. ISBN 0895550067 [+] manyblessings 09/13 |
BJU Algebra 2 3rd ed Student Book, Gr. 11 -- $70 ppd. Nice. Might be a couple pages written in but mostly brand new. godsfamily 09/11 |
BJU American Lit & Grammar Student, Gr. 11 -- $60 ppd. New. Brand new. godsfamily 09/11 |
BJU Chemistry 5th Ed Student & Lab, Gr. 11 -- $70 ppd. New. Never used. . godsfamily 09/11 |
BJU Heritage St.4 Text & Activity Manual, Gr. 4 -- $40 ppd. Nice. Heritage Studies 4 3rd ed. AM Unused, Text VGC. momof5 09/13 |
BJU Phonics and English 1 Activities, Gr. 1 -- $33 ppd. New. no writing, no missing pages, never used 4th ed 507111 workbook. loveteach4kids 09/13 |
BJU Phonics and English 1 Student Worktext, Gr. 1 -- $38 ppd. New. no writing, no missing pages, never used 4th ed 507103 workbook. loveteach4kids 09/13 |
BJU Science Activities Answer Key, Gr. 1 -- $15 ppd. Nice. 4th edition, no writing, spiral bound, minimal wear. loveteach4kids 09/14 |
BJU Science Teacher Edition, Gr. 1 -- $62 ppd. Nice. 4th edition spiral bound minimal wear no writing. loveteach4kids 09/14 |
BJU Spanish 2, Grs. 9-12 -- $45 ppd. New. Student text, e3, c2021. ISBN 9781628566185 mjsauder 09/12 |
BJU US History 5th Ed Stud & Activities, Gr. 11 -- $70 ppd. Nice. Brand new might be one page used. godsfamily 09/11 |
Bob Books, Set 1 (Scholastic) , Gr. K -- $8 ppd. Good. Full boxed set of beginning readers. ISBN 0439845009 violamom 09/11 |
Bob Books, Set 2 (Scholastic) , Gr. K -- $8 ppd. Nice. Full boxed set, Advancing Beginners. ISBN 0439845025 violamom 09/11 |
Bob Books, Set 3 (Scholastic) , Gr. K -- $8 ppd. New. Full boxed set, Set 3 Word Families. ISBN 9780439845090 violamom 09/11 |
Business, Occupations, Professions & -- $3. New. Vocations in the Bible. This is a great book for an Adulting. ISBN 9781601850140 [+] barbara_in_nh 09/12 |
But Don't All Religions Lead to God -- $8 ppd. Nice. ISBN 9780801064395 [+] manyblessings 09/13 |
Calvin & Hobbes, Bill Watterson -- $3. Nice. Titles: The Calvin and Hobbes Lazy Sunday Book, Calvin and. [+] barbara_in_nh 09/12 |
Canon Press Latin Primer 1 Set -- $27 ppd. Nice. TE/Audio/flashcards/free 1/2 used student wkbk (pencil). kurriculumkorner 09/12 |
Chemistry -- $14 ppd. Nice. c2012. ISBN 9780132529181 [+] manyblessings 09/13 |
Chemistry Getting a Big Reaction! -- $4. Nice. Basher Science. Concepts are grouped by associations: “Basic. ISBN 9780753464137 [+] barbara_in_nh 09/12 |
Chemistry Lab Set for Apologia , Grs. 9-12 -- $40. Good. Used w Apologia Chemistry; will send complete list upon request. ivegot8 09/13 |
Children's Special Places Exploring -- $4. Nice. the Role of Forts, Dens & Bush Houses in Middle Childhood. From. [+] barbara_in_nh 09/12 |
Christian Paths to Health & Wellness, Grs. 9-12 -- $50 ppd. New. publisher Human Kinetics, 3rd ed c21, Walters & Byl, looseleaf. ISBN 9781492599388 ginap 09/13 |
Classical Conversations Quick Flip Arithmetic, Grs. K-12 -- $2. Good. nohermanv 09/13 |
Classical Conversations The Question, Teaching Your Child the, Grs. K-12 -- $4. Good. Essentials of Classical Education by Leigh Bortins. ISBN 0985170123 nohermanv 09/13 |
CLEP: Principles of Marketing , Grs. 9-12 -- $5. Good. c2015; prep for taking the CLEP test for college credit. ivegot8 09/13 |
Cobwebs & Cables , Grs. 6-12 -- $14 ppd. New. From Lamplighter Rare Collector series; more titles available. 5bookworms 09/13 |
Collins Bedtime Treasury of Nursery -- $3. Nice. Rhymes & Tales, Beautifully illustrated hardback that will. ISBN 0261670670 [+] barbara_in_nh 09/12 |
Compass Classroom Wordup Volume 1 DVD -- $25 ppd. Nice. 10 video lessons, Latin & Greek roots, Age 10 and up. jawoock1 09/11 |
Critical Thinking Editor in Chief A2 -- $9 ppd. Nice. ISBN 9780894557194 manyblessings 09/13 |
Critical Thinking Editor in Chief B1 -- $9 ppd. Nice. ISBN 0894555162 manyblessings 09/13 |
Critical Thinking Editor in Chief B2 -- $9 ppd. Nice. ISBN 0894557203 manyblessings 09/13 |
Critical Thinking Editor in Chief C1 -- $9 ppd. Nice. ISBN 0894555170 manyblessings 09/13 |
Critical Thinking Editor in Chief C2 -- $9 ppd. Nice. ISBN 9780894557217 manyblessings 09/13 |
Dave Raymond's American History Set -- $84 ppd. Good. Teacher Guide, Reader, DVDs some scratches. loveteach4kids 09/14 |
Dave Raymond's Modernity Set , Grs. 6-12 -- $26 ppd. Nice. Teacher's Guide & Student Reader, printed & spiral bound. ginap 09/13 |
Diagramming the Scriptures -- $15 ppd. Nice. Slight creasing on cover, but otherwise perfect. ISBN 9781609572655 annabrett 09/14 |
Dictionary Skills , Gr. 4 -- $6 ppd. New. c2019, from Remedia Publications, 26 activities. ISBN 1561755621 mjsauder 09/12 |
DK Children’s Night Sky Atlas -- $5. Nice. The essential sky watching guide complete w/detailed maps, . [+] barbara_in_nh 09/12 |
DK Illustrated Dictionary of Religions -- $6. Nice. In an easy to follow, accessible reference format, uses over. [+] barbara_in_nh 09/12 |
DK Royal Academy of Arts Painting, A -- $4. Nice. young artist's guide, hdbk. An art course in a book! Aspiring. [+] barbara_in_nh 09/12 |
DK The Story of Thought, Bryan Magee -- $5. Nice. The Essential Guide to the History of Western Philosophy. This. [+] barbara_in_nh 09/12 |
Earthways--Simple Environmental -- $4. Good. Activities for Young Children. Spark children's imagination w/. [+] barbara_in_nh 09/12 |
Easy Grammar , Gr. 6 -- $16 ppd. New. Brand New includes both student and teacher pages. . shannonm14 09/13 |
Easy Grammar Plus - Teachers Edition -- $20 ppd. Nice. c2007, cover slightly bent, clean pages. ISBN 9780936981130 fujbeck 09/13 |
EcoArt! Earth-Friendly Art & Crafts -- $3. Nice. Bestselling author of Kids Create! combines her intuitive sense. [+] barbara_in_nh 09/12 |
Elementary Geography Living Book -- $7 ppd. Nice. complete unabridged, no writing, minor wear Charlotte Mason. loveteach4kids 09/13 |
Empire -- $15 ppd. Nice. c2004; on British empire; paperback. ISBN 9780465023295 geehee 09/12 |
English Simplified -- $3. Good. concise, inexpensive grammar handbook that continues to provide. ISBN 032104598X [+] barbara_in_nh 09/12 |
Eureka Math Modules 7 & 8 , Gr. 2 -- $3. Nice. Helps students truly understand math, connect it to the real. [+] barbara_in_nh 09/12 |
Exploring Creation w/Biology -- $3. Nice. Multimedia companion CD, Second Ed. Version 8.0. $2.00 w/other. barbara_in_nh 09/12 |
Faber and Faber Piano Adventures 2A -- $10 ppd. Nice. 4 books (lesson, performance, tech/artistry, theory). ISBN 0929666623 violamom 09/11 |
Fitting Words Set | Roman Roads Media, Grs. 9-12 -- $80 ppd. New. Rhetoric Textbook, Answer Key, Workbook, Exam Packet, all c2018. ISBN 9781944482282 ginap 09/13 |
Fitz It—If the word fits play it Game -- $4. Nice. 2+ players, ages 12 & up (could probably be 10 years old & up). . [+] barbara_in_nh 09/12 |
Five in a Row (FIAR) 2 -- $30. Nice. Newest edition. ISBN 9781888659238 andi 09/14 |
Five in a Row Christian Character -- $15. Nice. Bible supplement (2nd edition). ISBN 9781888659030 andi 09/14 |
Food for Today -- $12 ppd. Nice. ISBN 0026430487 [+] manyblessings 09/13 |
From Adam To Us:Part 2 Castles to Comp -- $30 ppd. Nice. Textbook From Adam to Us Part 2:Castles to Computers. ISBN 9781609990855 annabrett 09/14 |
From Foxholes & flight decks—Letters -- $6. Nice. Home from WWII. An interactive book of fully-removable. [+] barbara_in_nh 09/12 |
Fun with the Alphabet -- $3. Nice. Contains many activities & experiences for each letter of the. [+] barbara_in_nh 09/12 |
Geographica’s Family Atlas -- $5. Nice. Contains wonderful, easy-to-read maps, as well as informative & . [+] barbara_in_nh 09/12 |
Geometry: A Guided Inquiry , Grs. 9-12 -- $13 ppd. Worn. Chakerian; printed textbook used by Math Without Borders. [+] rcraft 09/14 |
Goniometer (Angle Measurer) -- $10 ppd. New. for Right Start Math by Cotter, never opened. loveteach4kids 09/13 |
Grammar for the Well Trained Mind -- $40 ppd. Good. Core Instructor Text, Purple Student Wkbk, and Handbk of Rules. annabrett 09/14 |
Great Source Reader's Handbook -- $3. Nice. Packed w/the skills & strategies you need to be a successful. [+] barbara_in_nh 09/12 |
Great Word House , Grs. K-8 -- $10 ppd. Nice. new but it is a packet that was put together for us. [+] mjsauder 09/12 |
Growing Up in America 1830-1860 -- $3. Good. Introduces the way of life of pre-Civil War children in New. [+] barbara_in_nh 09/12 |
Guided Science Readers (Set of 6) -- $3. Nice. Titles: Hello, Whale! Beautiful Butterflies, That Bug! Fish. [+] barbara_in_nh 09/12 |
Hand-Print Animal Art -- $3. Nice. As unique as fingerprints, hand-print art is the ultimate self-. [+] barbara_in_nh 09/12 |
History Pockets Ancient Greece -- $9 ppd. Nice. ISBN 9781557999030 manyblessings 09/13 |
History Pockets Ancient Rome -- $9 ppd. Nice. ISBN 9781596732612 [+] manyblessings 09/13 |
History Pockets Life Plymouth Colony -- $9 ppd. Nice. ISBN 155799899X manyblessings 09/13 |
History Pockets Native Americans -- $9 ppd. Nice. ISBN 1557999015 manyblessings 09/13 |
History Timeline from Good & Beautiful -- $10. New. in shrink wrap; used in Years 2, 3, and 4 of TG& TB History. ivegot8 09/13 |
Holt Cells, Heredity, and Classificati -- $15 ppd. Nice. ISBN 0030499585 [+] manyblessings 09/13 |
Holt Environmental Science -- $13 ppd. Nice. ISBN 0030500494 [+] manyblessings 09/13 |
Holt Human Body Systems and Health -- $15 ppd. Nice. ISBN 0030647797 manyblessings 09/13 |
Holt Life Science Answer Key -- $10 ppd. Nice. [+] manyblessings 09/13 |
Holt Science and Technology Animals -- $18 ppd. Nice. ISBN 9780030499579 [+] manyblessings 09/13 |
Hooked on Phonics Workbook Set -- $5. Nice. 2, 3 & 5. Cover ch, sh, wh, th, sm, sn, sp, sl, sc, sk, sw, st. [+] barbara_in_nh 09/12 |
Houghton Mifflin Math Workbook (consumable), Gr. 2 -- $6. Good. Contains units: Number concepts through 50, Addition Facts, . [+] barbara_in_nh 09/12 |
How to Read Music—Fundamentals of -- $4. Nice. Music Notation made Easy. Basic primer for anyone without. ISBN 0517884380 [+] barbara_in_nh 09/12 |
How to Read a Book , Grs. 6-12 -- $12 ppd. Nice. c 1972 The Classic Guide to Intelligent Reading. ISBN 9780671212094 geehee 09/12 |
How to Think Like a Scientist -- $10 ppd. Nice. ISBN 0690045654 [+] manyblessings 09/13 |
Hungry Planet: What the World Eats -- $20 ppd. Nice. ISBN 9780984074426 [+] manyblessings 09/13 |
IEW Ancient History-Based Writing Lessons -- $14 ppd. Good. Teacher's Manual, c2018. ISBN 9781623412968 mpa 09/13 |
IEW Fix It! Grammar 5, Teacher/Student Set, Grs. K-12 -- $18 ppd. Good. c2022, Frog Prince, Student wks 1-4 missing, 5-30 unused. ginap 09/13 |
IEW Primary Arts of Lang:Reading & Writing -- $98 ppd. Nice. Complete Set of Reading & Writing Curriculum. [+] annabrett 09/14 |
IEW Student Writing Intensive set, Level A -- $30 ppd. Good. DVDs and binder. ISBN 0984099018 mpa 09/13 |
Indian Chiefs, Russell Freedman -- $3. Nice. Meticulously researched, this narrative account of the lives of. [+] barbara_in_nh 09/12 |
Intermediate Logic Set | Canon Press, Grs. 6-12 -- $95 ppd. Nice. DVD Set of 4 c2013, Teacher Ed c2014, Student Handbook c2014. ISBN 9781591281689 ginap 09/13 |
Introduction to Algebra , Grs. 6-12 -- $35 ppd. Fair. c2007, e2, Richard Rusczyk, The Art of Problem Solving. ISBN 9781934124147 mjsauder 09/12 |
Introductory Logic Set | Canon Press, Grs. 6-12 -- $75 ppd. Nice. DVD Set of 4 c2013, Teacher Ed c2014. ISBN 9781591281672 ginap 09/13 |
It's So Amazing--A Book about Eggs, -- $4. Good. Sperm, Birth, Babies & Families, Ages 7+ . How does a baby begin. [+] barbara_in_nh 09/12 |
Jim Weiss history CDs set of 4 -- $24 ppd. Nice. 4 CDs: Masters of Renaissance, Julius Caesar and the Story of. ISBN 9781882513253 [+] hishelpmeet 09/12 |
Journey of a Lifetime The Jewish Life -- $5. Nice. Cycle Book. Takes you on a tour through the practices & rituals. ISBN 0874416310 [+] barbara_in_nh 09/12 |
Julius Caesar , Grs. 9-12 -- $11 ppd. Nice. e3, text of play and help to understand & appreciate it. ISBN 0198320272 geehee 09/12 |
Kids Learn America! -- $4. Good. Bringing Geography to Life with people, places & history. Makes. [+] barbara_in_nh 09/12 |
Kids Make Music! Clapping & Tapping -- $3. Nice. from Bach to Rock! Presents a variety of activities based on. [+] barbara_in_nh 09/12 |
Kids of Character Bible Study , Grs. K-5 -- $20 ppd. New. workbook and flashcards set by Character Concepts. ISBN 9780978585976 mpa 09/13 |
Kindred Hearts-Nurturing the Bond -- $3. Nice. between Mother & Daughter. Regardless of your present. ISBN 1561794376 [+] barbara_in_nh 09/12 |
Kumon Division , Gr. 3 -- $5 ppd. Good. c2008, first 20 pages used and removed, rest are clean. ISBN 9781933241555 mjsauder 09/12 |
Kumon Geometry & Measurement , Gr. 3 -- $6 ppd. New. c2009. ISBN 9781934968680 mjsauder 09/12 |
Kumon Multiplication -- $7 ppd. Good. ISBN 9781933241548 [+] manyblessings 09/13 |
Kumon Word Problems , Gr. 3 -- $6 ppd. New. c2009. ISBN 9781934968628 mjsauder 09/12 |
Landmark Hist. of the American People, Grs. K-8 -- $12 ppd. Nice. Volume 1 ''from Plymouth to the Moon'. ISBN 9781887840026 violamom 09/11 |
Lassie Come-Home -- $4. Nice. classic about the loyal collie who refuses to accept her fate. [+] barbara_in_nh 09/12 |
Latin for Children: Primer A Text -- $20 ppd. Nice. Classical Academic Press, no writing, minimal wear. loveteach4kids 09/13 |
Lepanto Grammar 7 -- $11 ppd. Nice. manyblessings 09/13 |
Life of Fred Apples-Ice Cream -- $100 ppd. Nice. 9 books, some never used. stalladay 09/13 |
Little House on the Prairie, Special -- $3. New. Read-Aloud Edition. Beautiful large hardback w/dust jacket. [+] barbara_in_nh 09/12 |
Lives of the Writers--Comedies, -- $5. Nice. Tragedies (& what the Neighbors Thought). Shakespeare wrote w/a. [+] barbara_in_nh 09/12 |
Lives of the Scientists -- $5. Nice. Experiments, Explosions (& What the neighbors thought). [+] barbara_in_nh 09/12 |
Lonely Planet Great Britain -- $8 ppd. Nice. c2019. ISBN 9781786578068 [+] manyblessings 09/13 |
Look Inside a House -- $4. Good. Poke & Look Learning Books introduce young children to facts. [+] barbara_in_nh 09/12 |
Look Inside the Earth, A Poke & Look -- $4. Good. Learning Book. Really fun book filled with intriguing die-cut. [+] barbara_in_nh 09/12 |
MacDougal Littel Pre-Algebra set, Grs. 6-8 -- $30 ppd. Nice. Text, Practice Workbook, and Worked-out solution key. ISBN 9780618800766 violamom 09/11 |
Magic Tree House Gift Set of Books 1-4 -- $5. New. Still in plastic wrap w/case includes Magic Tree House Poster. [+] barbara_in_nh 09/12 |
Making Brothers & Sisters Best Friends -- $4. Nice. Brothers & sisters are among the most important people in life!. ISBN 0971940509 [+] barbara_in_nh 09/12 |
Making Math Meaningful 2 book set, Grs. 6-8 -- $4. Nice. 8th grade workbook TE & TE for Teachers & Parents, 3rd edition. [+] barbara_in_nh 09/12 |
Making Memories Set—Magnetic Stamp Set -- $5. New. Basic & Making Memories Express it kit (both in original silver. [+] barbara_in_nh 09/12 |
Master Books Principles of Mathematics Teacher 2 -- $18 ppd. Good. momma25grls 09/13 |
Material World Global Family Portrait -- $20 ppd. Nice. ISBN 9780871564306 [+] manyblessings 09/13 |
Math By All Means, Geometry, Grade 2, Gr. 2 -- $3. Good. The activities in this unit provide many opportunities for. [+] barbara_in_nh 09/12 |
Math-U-See Zeta: Decimals and Percents -- $28 ppd. Good. Teacher manual and DVD. shannonm14 09/13 |
Meet the Masters , Grs. K-5 -- $15 ppd. New. Ages 8-9 Complete Art Program w/CD rom. violamom 09/11 |
MegaWords 3 Set -- $15 ppd. Nice. Teacher guide & Wkbk, no writing, 2nd edm ''schwa sound''. kurriculumkorner 09/12 |
Memoria Press Book of the Ancient Greeks set -- $25 ppd. Nice. minor wear 1st ed Book & Teacher Guide, no student guide. loveteach4kids 09/13 |
Memoria Press Book of the Middle Ages set -- $25 ppd. Nice. minimal wear 1st ed Book & Teacher Guide, no student guide. loveteach4kids 09/13 |
Memoria Press First Start French 1-Intro to French, Grs. 6-12 -- $25 ppd. Nice. e1, c2007, teacher manual, student book, 2 audio CDs. ISBN 9781930953666 mjsauder 09/12 |
Memoria Press Latina Christiana -- $35 ppd. Nice. Teacher man, Instructional DVDs, Pronunciation CD, worksheet& key. shannonm14 09/13 |
Memoria Press Lingua Angelica Set -- $25 ppd. Nice. TE/wkbk/Songs, 2nd ed , no writing, . kurriculumkorner 09/12 |
Memoria Press Lingua Biblica Set -- $25 ppd. Good. c05, older printing-comb bound, pen on 2 pages, errata pg incl. kurriculumkorner 09/12 |
Memoria Press Material Logic Instructional DVD -- $44 ppd. New. 2nd ed, in shrink wrap. kurriculumkorner 09/12 |
Memoria Press Material Logic Q/T 3rd ed -- $6 ppd. Nice. 3rd ed, no writing, looks new. kurriculumkorner 09/12 |
Memoria Press Material Logic Teacher Key-wkbk/Q/T -- $9 ppd. Nice. 3rd ed, no writing, looks new. kurriculumkorner 09/12 |
Memoria Press Natl Latin Exam Level 1 Student Guide -- $12 ppd. Nice. c12, no writing, . ISBN 9781615382279 kurriculumkorner 09/12 |
Memoria Press Prima Latina -- $62 ppd. New. Teacher & student man. , Instructional DVDs, Pronunciation CD. shannonm14 09/13 |
MFW Exploring Countries & Cultures -- $30 ppd. Good. 2nd Edition Teachers manual. 1st 5 wks have writing. ISBN 9781619990111 idahomom123 09/14 |
MindWare Analogy Challenges -- $3. New. As students progress through the levels, each Analogy. [+] barbara_in_nh 09/12 |
MLA Handbook for Writers of Research, Grs. 9-12 -- $13 ppd. Nice. e6, c2003, lay flat binding, comprehensive index. ISBN 9780873529860 geehee 09/12 |
Modern Curric. Press Comprehension Plus Teacher's Guide B -- $12 ppd. Nice. ISBN 076522187X manyblessings 09/13 |
Modern Curric. Press Spelling Workout A Teacher Edition, Gr. 1 -- $5 ppd. Nice. ISBN 0813628407 violamom 09/11 |
More M & M's Math, hdbk -- $3. Good. Rhyming text and illustrations use candy to teach mathematical. ISBN 0881069930 [+] barbara_in_nh 09/12 |
Mosque, David Macaulay, hdbk w/dj -- $5. Nice. Macaulay here reveals the methods & materials used to design. ISBN 0618240349 [+] barbara_in_nh 09/12 |
Movies as Literature Set , Grs. 6-12 -- $45 ppd. Nice. text and student workbook never used minor wear by Stout. loveteach4kids 09/13 |
My Fathers World Writing Skill Level A -- $18 ppd. Fair. 13 Pages Written on. Still usable. . ISBN 9781619991446 idahomom123 09/14 |
Mystery of History Volume II - Vol 2 -- $19 ppd. Nice. Soft cover, The Early Church and the Middle Ages. ISBN 9781892427069 fujbeck 09/13 |
One if by Land a Massachusetts Number -- $3. Nice. Book. signed by author. Did you know that the US dollars are. [+] barbara_in_nh 09/12 |
Operation World--the definitive prayer -- $4. Nice. guide to every nation. 7th edition. All countries of the world. [+] barbara_in_nh 09/12 |
Orani: My Father’s Village -- $22 ppd. Nice. Nivola, used with SCM’s Visits to Europe Geography, hardback. ISBN 9780374356576 stalladay 09/13 |
Our Constitution Rocks , Grs. 9-12 -- $12 ppd. Good. A complete study of the US Constitution and its meaning. ISBN 9780310734215 annabrett 09/14 |
Paintings for Children Andy Warhol -- $4. Nice. (Adventures in Art Series), Story of Warhol's life is like an. [+] barbara_in_nh 09/12 |
Pathway Readers True Values Reader & W, Gr. 7 -- $15 ppd. New. hardback reader and workbook for $15 postage paid. marina 09/11 |
Peace Hill Press First Language Lessons Level 4, Gr. 4 -- $5 ppd. Good. some cover wear but no markings. ISBN 9781933339344 violamom 09/11 |
Peace Hill Press History of the Ancient World Set, Grs. 6-12 -- $26 ppd. New. Study/Teaching Guide, Kaziewicz/Bauer, print/spiral, c13, 600pg. ginap 09/13 |
Peace Hill Press History of the Medieval World Set, Grs. 9-12 -- $26 ppd. New. Study/Teaching Guide, Kaziewicz/Bauer, print/spiral, c15, 800pg. ginap 09/13 |
Peace Hill Press History of the Renaissance World Set, Grs. 9-12 -- $26 ppd. New. Study/Teaching Guide, Kaziewicz/Bauer, print/spiral, c16, 800pg. ginap 09/13 |
Peace Hill Press Telling God's Story, Year 1, Grs. K-5 -- $20 ppd. New. Instructor Guide and Student Activity Book set. ISBN 9781933339481 violamom 09/11 |
Peace Hill Press Writing With Ease, Grs. K-5 -- $8 ppd. Nice. ISBN 9781933339252 violamom 09/11 |
Peace Hill Press Writing With Ease, Grs. K-5 -- $10 ppd. New. ISBN 9781933339252 violamom 09/11 |
Peace Hill Press Writing With Ease Workbook Level 2 -- $22 ppd. Nice. not revised edition, no writing, no missing pages, minimal wear. loveteach4kids 09/11 |
Peace Hill Press Writing With Ease Workbook Level 3 -- $22 ppd. Nice. Complete Writer by Bauer, no writing, no missing pages. loveteach4kids 09/11 |
Peanuts Collection--6 books -- $5. Nice. Titles: Make Way for the King of the Jungle (A Peanuts + . [+] barbara_in_nh 09/12 |
People of the West -- $3. Nice. Companion Volume to the Public Television Series The West, by. [+] barbara_in_nh 09/12 |
Peril & Peace -- $3. Nice. Watch in amazement as a varied selection of people from. [+] barbara_in_nh 09/12 |
Philosophy Adventure vol 1 gr 6-12 -- $40 ppd. Nice. no cd, c13, great for High school, Biblical worldview, Farrell. ISBN 9781937494018 kurriculumkorner 09/12 |
Poetry Place Anthology..more than 600 -- $3. Good. poems for all occasions! Poems to celebrate each season & . [+] barbara_in_nh 09/12 |
Poetry Time with Dr. Seuss Rhyme -- $4. Nice. This is an awesome book to use for homeschooling! It helps to. [+] barbara_in_nh 09/12 |
Poetry Writing , Grs. 6-8 -- $3. Nice. Includes: Intro activities defining poetry, strategies for. [+] barbara_in_nh 09/12 |
Portales Introductory Spanish Ver2.0, College -- $88 ppd. Nice. c 2023, Vista Higher Learning, 600+ pgs, loose-leaf in binder. ISBN 9781543359947 ginap 09/13 |
Power-Glide Noun Pack , Grs. K-12 -- $10. Nice. Colorful Flash cards with 6 translations, 2 audio CDs. mjsauder 09/12 |
Practice Makes Perfect CompleteFrench -- $5. Nice. Grammar. The only way to build your confidence in a second. ISBN 9780071787819 [+] barbara_in_nh 09/12 |
Prentice Hall Physical Science Annoted -- $12 ppd. Nice. ISBN 0131663747 [+] manyblessings 09/13 |
Prentice Hall Physical Science -- $45 ppd. Nice. ISBN 0131663054 [+] manyblessings 09/13 |
Prentice Hall, Electricity & Magnetism -- $3. Nice. Awesome text, includes: Magnetism, Electricity, Integrating. [+] barbara_in_nh 09/12 |
Prentice Hall, Environmental Science -- $3. Nice. Science Explorer. Awesome text, includes Populations & . [+] barbara_in_nh 09/12 |
Prime Time Together....with Kids -- $3. Nice. Creative Ideas, Activities, Games & Projects. Wonderful. ISBN 0806624302 [+] barbara_in_nh 09/12 |
Question and Answer Encyclopedia -- $4. Good. Over 1000 questions & answers to things you want to know. . [+] barbara_in_nh 09/12 |
Quick Cash for Teens -- $4. Nice. provides smart strategies for earning big bucks, with step-by-. [+] barbara_in_nh 09/12 |
Quick Review Math Handbook-Teacher's -- $3. Nice. Guide, Glencoe Math, Book 1. Includes: hot words-formulas, . [+] barbara_in_nh 09/12 |
Quick-and-Easy Learning Games Math -- $3. Nice. hese fun & easy math games are just right for young learners!. [+] barbara_in_nh 09/12 |
R.E.A.L. Science Odyssey Life Level 1 -- $30 ppd. Nice. Life Science Curriculum for Grades 1-4, unused copy. ISBN 9780976605706 fujbeck 09/13 |
Rainy Day Play! Explore*Create -- $3. Nice. Discover*Pretend. Collects over 70 rainy day activities that. [+] barbara_in_nh 09/12 |
Read and Understand Poetry , Gr. 5 -- $9 ppd. Nice. ISBN 9781557999948 manyblessings 09/13 |
Read and Understand Poetry , Gr. 4 -- $11 ppd. Nice. ISBN 9781557999931 manyblessings 09/13 |
Readings in Christian Thought, 2nd ed -- $3. Good. Distinct in its engaging style that includes humor & popular. ISBN 0687355478 [+] barbara_in_nh 09/12 |
Real Boys--Rescuing Our Sons from the -- $3. Nice. Myths of Boyhood. Pollack challenges conventional expectations. [+] barbara_in_nh 09/12 |
Recipe for Reading Workbook 3 -- $10 ppd. Nice. minimal wear, no writing, no missing pages by EPS, Russo. loveteach4kids 09/13 |
Rod and Staff Arithmetic 2 Teachers Manual - 2 Books -- $20 ppd. Nice. Both Teacher Manuals, hardcovers. No wear or marks. . momma25grls 09/13 |
Rod and Staff Arithmetic 3 Teacher Book & Answer Key -- $13 ppd. Good. momma25grls 09/13 |
Rod and Staff Arithmetic 4 Set -- $25 ppd. Nice. [+] momma25grls 09/13 |
Rod and Staff Music Flash Cards -- $12 ppd. Nice. Grade 1 and up; never used, tear on edge bag (English/Espa& #241; ol). loveteach4kids 09/13 |
Rory's Story Cubes game -- $5. Nice. Pocket-sized creative story generator, providing hours of. [+] barbara_in_nh 09/12 |
Saxon Algebra 1 lot of 3 books, Grs. 6-12 -- $60 ppd. Good. Student text, Homestudy pack, test booklet. ISBN 9781565771345 thems 09/12 |
Saxon Algebra 1 Teacher Lesson and Test CDs -- $35 ppd. Nice. 3rd Edition. ISBN 9781602773653 manyblessings 09/13 |
Saxon Algebra 1/2 Lot of 4 books, Grs. 6-12 -- $75 ppd. Nice. Student text, homeschool packet, solutions manual and test book. ISBN 1565771494 thems 09/12 |
Saxon Algebra 2 Homeschool Testing Book -- $16 ppd. Good. 3rd Edition. ISBN 9781600320149 [+] manyblessings 09/13 |
Saxon Algebra1 set, 3rd edition, Grs. 6-12 -- $68 ppd. Good. [+] gs_arrows 09/11 |
Saxon Math 1 Teacher guide, Gr. 1 -- $10 ppd. Fair. very used teacher guide for Saxon Math 1 c1994. [+] violamom 09/11 |
School of Tomorrow Ace accounting student & teacher set -- $25 ppd. Nice. 11 paces & there keys missing first book. 10savedbygrace 09/12 |
School of Tomorrow Business math 12 paces -- $20 ppd. Good. Pencil writing on 2 pages of 1 book. 10savedbygrace 09/12 |
Scoring High Stanford Achievement Test, Gr. 5 -- $14 ppd. Good. Test Prep, name on cover, no writing, no missing pages. loveteach4kids 09/11 |
Scott Foresman Phonics Workbook, Gr. 1 -- $3. Good. Phonemic Awareness, Phonics, Word Study. shelf wear to. [+] barbara_in_nh 09/12 |
Set of 2 Kay Tracey hardback Mysteries -- $14. Good. Teenager who although only 16 years old she solves mysteries in. [+] barbara_in_nh 09/12 |
Set of 3 Tom Swift vintage hardbacks -- $9. Fair. Tom Swift series are adventure novels w/a science fiction focus. [+] barbara_in_nh 09/12 |
Set of 4 Cherry Ames Nurse hardbacks -- $20. Good. Books 1-4 of series titled: Cherry Ames Student Nurse, . [+] barbara_in_nh 09/12 |
Shakespeare’s Genealogies-Plots & -- $8. New. Illustrated Family Trees for all 42 works. Hdbk in storage. ISBN 9781595910370 [+] barbara_in_nh 09/12 |
Shepherd Science Biology Answer Key, Grs. 9-12 -- $12 ppd. Nice. Biology Answer Key & Parent Companion. marina 09/12 |
Shurley Level 7 Teacher's Manual -- $25. Nice. Hardback copy. kbriant 09/13 |
Siblings without Rivalry How to Help -- $4. Good. your children live together so you can live too. . ISBN 9780380799008 [+] barbara_in_nh 09/12 |
Signature Books-The Story of Marie -- $3. Nice. Curie. She became one of the most celebrated scientists in. [+] barbara_in_nh 09/12 |
Singapore Primary Mathematics 5A Textbook and, Gr. 5 -- $11 ppd. Good. MFW Daily Lesson & Answers US Edition normal use hand wear. loveteach4kids 09/11 |
Sir Cumference and All the King's Tens -- $8 ppd. Nice. ISBN 9781570917288 [+] manyblessings 09/13 |
Slim USB plug in number pad for laptop -- $3. Nice. Perfect for accounting or math student, orig. $24.99, $2.00 w/o. barbara_in_nh 09/12 |
Social Skills Activities for Special -- $4. Nice. Children. 142 ready-to-use lessons & reproducible line master. ISBN 0876288689 [+] barbara_in_nh 09/12 |
Song School Latin Book 1 Set -- $54 ppd. Nice. Teacher Edition, card game, St Book w/CD - no DVDs. loveteach4kids 09/13 |
Spanish Elementary , Grs. K-5 -- $7 ppd. Good. Instructional Fair, 100 Reproducible Activities, 4 pages used. ISBN 1568221975 mjsauder 09/12 |
Spell to Write And READ -- $23 ppd. Nice. Wanda Sanseri, spiral, no writing, helps w/dyslexia. kurriculumkorner 09/12 |
Spelling to Classical Music Book & CDs -- $26 ppd. Nice. by Cooper, no writing, minimal wear, no missing pages. loveteach4kids 09/13 |
Spelling You See Level E -- $9 ppd. Good. Instructor's Handbook. ISBN 9781608266142 mpa 09/14 |
Spelling You See Level F -- $9 ppd. Good. Instructor's Handbook. ISBN 9781608266203 mpa 09/14 |
SpellingYouSee G Modern Milestones -- $5 ppd. Nice. Instructor's Handbook, cover and pages slightly bent/worn. ISBN 9781608266241 fujbeck 09/13 |
Spencerian Penmanship, Set of 8 books, Grs. K-8 -- $22 ppd. Good. Theory & Level 1 (x2, pgs 1-3 marked), Levels 2 (x2) - 5 new. ginap 09/13 |
Spiritual Conversations with Children -- $10 ppd. New. Listening to God Together, Lacy Finn Borgo. ISBN 9780830846696 stalladay 09/13 |
Stop Faking It! Sound--Finally -- $3. Nice. Understanding Science So you can Teach it, Grades 3-8. . [+] barbara_in_nh 09/12 |
Sunshine Meadows , Gr. 2 -- $5 ppd. Nice. c. 1996. violamom 09/11 |
Super Reader--How to teach your child -- $3. Nice. to Speed Read. Teaches your child to read silently--efficiently. [+] barbara_in_nh 09/12 |
Systematic Theology: An Introduction -- $13. Nice. to Biblical Doctrine An Introduction to Biblical Doctrine. ''No. ISBN 9780310286707 [+] barbara_in_nh 09/12 |
Take It to Your Seat Math Centers, Gr. 3 -- $9 ppd. Nice. ISBN 9781557999795 [+] manyblessings 09/13 |
Teaching Students to Read Nonfiction -- $6. Nice. Help students tackle the textbook with 15 lessons that. [+] barbara_in_nh 09/12 |
Teaching Textbooks Algebra 2 2.0 Set *with 1 CD missing, Grs. 9-12 -- $65. Good. text, CDs, answer key/tests; company will send you replacement. [+] ivegot8 09/13 |
Teaching Younger Children Everything -- $4. Nice. they need to know about The Bible & Their Christian Heritage-2. [+] barbara_in_nh 09/12 |
Ten-Minute Activities -- $10 ppd. ISBN 1557997942 [+] manyblessings 09/13 |
That Printer of Udell's. leather-bound -- $17 ppd. New. Beautiful leather bound copy would make a great gift. 5bookworms 09/13 |
The Age of Revolution & Reaction 1789- -- $5. Good. 1850, Charles Breunig. Significant book so packed with readable. [+] barbara_in_nh 09/12 |
The Amazing Book of Questions & Answer -- $4. Nice. Do you have a child who loves to ask questions, who wants to. ISBN 9780760734216 [+] barbara_in_nh 09/12 |
The Anatomy Coloring Book 4th Edition, Grs. 6-12 -- $12 ppd. New. Great memory tool for visual learners 4th E; 2pgs colored well. ISBN 0321832019 5bookworms 09/13 |
The Bible Knowledge Commentary -- $30 ppd. Nice. 2 Volume set: Old and New Testaments. By Walvoord and Zuck. stalladay 09/13 |
The Big Book of Bible Animals -- $4. Nice. Large hardback w/photos & illustrations of animals in the Bible. ISBN 084233162X [+] barbara_in_nh 09/12 |
The Birthplace of New Scotland, An -- $4. Nice. Illustrated History of Pictou County, Canada's Cradle of. [+] barbara_in_nh 09/12 |
The Compact Bedford Introduction to -- $4. Good. Literature, 4th ed. Reading-Thinking-Writing--Writing in. [+] barbara_in_nh 09/12 |
The Encyclopedia of Music-Instruments -- $5. Nice. of the Orchestra & the Great Composers. Amazing Resource for. ISBN 0681890436 [+] barbara_in_nh 09/12 |
The Everything Kids' Science -- $3. Nice. Experment Book. All you need to do is gather a few household. [+] barbara_in_nh 09/12 |
The Genealogy of Greek Mythology-An -- $8. New. Family Tree of Greek Myth. Hdbk in storage sleeve packed with. ISBN 1592400132 [+] barbara_in_nh 09/12 |
The Girl in the Rag Coat Unit study, Grs. K-5 -- $8 ppd. New. In the Hands of a Child c 2006. [+] violamom 09/11 |
The Great Big Art Activity Book -- $3. Nice. Features inspiring ideas to encourage children to experiment. [+] barbara_in_nh 09/12 |
The Great Fire-hdbk w/dj -- $4. Nice. Newbery Honor Book, RL4. By weaving personal accounts of actual. [+] barbara_in_nh 09/12 |
The Great Snake-Stories from the -- $4. Nice. Amazon. From trickster jaguars & sloths to spine-tingling giant. [+] barbara_in_nh 09/12 |
The History of Scotland for Children -- $4. Nice. from the Stone Age to the present day Scotland's history is an. [+] barbara_in_nh 09/12 |
The Lamplighter , Grs. 9-12 -- $14 ppd. New. Lamplighter Rare Collector series, with more titles available. 5bookworms 09/13 |
The Lemonade Stand: A Guide to -- $5. Nice. Encouraging the Entrepreneur in Your Child. Offers guidance on. [+] barbara_in_nh 09/12 |
The Little Hands Big Fun Craft Book: -- $3. Nice. Creative Fun for 2-to 6-year olds (Williamson Little Hands Book. [+] barbara_in_nh 09/12 |
The Lost Clue , Grs. 6-12 -- $14 ppd. New. Lamplighter Rare Collector series, with more titles available. 5bookworms 09/13 |
The Mother Goose Book -- $3. Good. Illustrated in a style popular in the late nineteenth century. [+] barbara_in_nh 09/12 |
The New Games Book-Play Hard, Play -- $3. Nice. Fair, Nobody Hurt. More than sixty games in which two to. [+] barbara_in_nh 09/12 |
The Nursery Treasury, A Collection of -- $4. Nice. Baby Games, Rhymes & Lullabies. Charming illustrated hardback. ISBN 0385246501 [+] barbara_in_nh 09/12 |
The Oxford Book of American Short -- $4. Nice. Stories. Provides a history of not only the evolution of the. [+] barbara_in_nh 09/12 |
The Private Eye School -- $12 ppd. Nice. One-Hour Mysteries, Grades 4-8, by Carr, no writing, no miss p. loveteach4kids 09/14 |
The Random House Bk of Nursery Stories -- $3. Nice. 10 familiar fairy tales are retold in a simple, lively style. . [+] barbara_in_nh 09/12 |
The Religions Book -- $10 ppd. Nice. ISBN 9781465476463 [+] manyblessings 09/13 |
The River of Grace, a story of John -- $3. Nice. Calvin, only Calvin bio available for young people. Focuses on. [+] barbara_in_nh 09/12 |
The St. Martin's Handbook, hdbk -- $4. Nice. the first handbook to help students build on the smart. [+] barbara_in_nh 09/12 |
The Story of Britain -- $20 ppd. Nice. Hardback, From the Norman Conquest to the European Union, Dillon. ISBN 9780763651220 stalladay 09/13 |
The Wall Growing Up Behind the Iron -- $4. New. Curtain. Caldecott Honor book. ''I was born at the beginning of. ISBN 9780374347017 [+] barbara_in_nh 09/12 |
The WISE Guide for Spelling -- $21 ppd. Nice. Wanda Sanseri, spiral, no writing, sp words & reinforcements. kurriculumkorner 09/12 |
Things I Can Make -- $3. Nice. Using items easily found around the home--kids can create an. [+] barbara_in_nh 09/12 |
TIME Great People of the 20th Century -- $5. Nice. Brimming with insights into the life & times of an. [+] barbara_in_nh 09/12 |
To Every Nation:Sutdy of 12 Missionary -- $10 ppd. New. Workbook Study of 12 missionaries around the world. ISBN 9781530038725 annabrett 09/14 |
Total Language Plus -- $15. Nice. The Hiding Place TLP student book. kbriant 09/13 |
Trail Guide to World Geog Teachr Mnual, Grs. K-12 -- $12 ppd. Nice. by Cindy Wiggers, & #169; 2009, Teachers Manual, pub by Geo Matters. ISBN 9781931397155 ceh17 09/14 |
Traveling Seeds , Grs. K-5 -- $8 ppd. New. In the Hands of a Child c 2008. ISBN 9781603082198 [+] violamom 09/11 |
Usborne Internet-Linked First Thousand -- $5. Nice. Words in French. This bright & amusing book provides a wealth. [+] barbara_in_nh 09/12 |
Veritas Press Blackthorn Winter book & comp guide, Grs. K-8 -- $15 ppd. Nice. book and comp. guide (ISBN 1932168117). ISBN 1932168109 geehee 09/12 |
Veritas Press Genesis through Joshua, Gospels,, Grs. K-8 -- $10. Good. $10/each TM: NT Gk+ Romans, Explorers to 1815, 1815 to Present. ISBN 193071016X nohermanv 09/12 |
Welcome to Kirsten's World 1854 -- $8. Nice. Growing Up in Pioneer America. Presents a look at daily life in. [+] barbara_in_nh 09/12 |
Well-Trained Mind Writing with Ease, Grs. K-5 -- $15 ppd. Nice. c2008; workbooks available from publisher; like new. ISBN 9781933339252 geehee 09/12 |
Westfield Studios Biology 101 , Grs. 9-12 -- $45 ppd. Nice. 4 DVD set, High School Biology According to Days of Creation. jawoock1 09/11 |
What’s Going On Here? Conversation -- $4. Nice. Cards. Helps develop empathy & observational skills while. [+] barbara_in_nh 09/12 |
Winston The Grammar Program basic -- $20 ppd. Good. c1992, reprint2021, teacher, student bk, supplemental bk, cards. ISBN 9781889673028 mjsauder 09/14 |
WISE Guide Enrich Act Wksheets N-Z -- $23 ppd. Nice. w/cd(pdf wrksheets), no writing, goes wSpellWriteRead. ISBN 9780974492032 kurriculumkorner 09/12 |
Wordly Wise 3000 Third Edition , Gr. 4 -- $15 ppd. Nice. Book, Test Booklet, Answer Key. ISBN 9780838876046 [+] violamom 09/11 |
Words on the Vine , Grs. 6-8 -- $5 ppd. Good. first 10 pages used, 100 reproducible activity series, c1998. ISBN 1568226616 mjsauder 09/12 |
World of Money Small Cash Box -- $4. Nice. in original box with keys and combination lock. Great for teach. [+] barbara_in_nh 09/12 |
World Physical Geography, B Runkle, Grs. 6-8 -- $46 ppd. Nice. Textbook & Teacher Guide c2000, Student Workbook c 2011. ISBN 9780982527603 ginap 09/13 |
World War II 50th Anniversary -- $8. Nice. Commemorative Edition. Fascinating! Includes: newspaper article. [+] barbara_in_nh 09/12 |
WriteShop Primary Book B -- $14 ppd. New. [+] manyblessings 09/13 |
Young Writers, Primary -- $3. Nice. Offers an overview of the literacy development of students in. ISBN 0743932684 [+] barbara_in_nh 09/12 |