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Age of Opportunity -- $5. New. A Biblical Guide to Parenting Teens. ISBN 9780875526058 filiaregis 08/09 |
Beautiful Girlhood -- $5. New. by Karen Andreola. ISBN 1883934028 filiaregis 08/09 |
Bringing up Boys by James Dobson -- $8 ppd. Nice. hardcover w/jacket; Focus on the Family host advises parents. . ISBN 9780842352666 susie_r 08/07 |
Christian Liberty Press Training Children in Godliness -- $6 ppd. Nice. Jacob Abbott. family82 08/19 |
Every Child Can Succeed hardcover -- $5 ppd. Nice. Cynthia Tobias helps you build on your child's strengths. hcover. ISBN 9781561794621 susie_r 08/07 |
Forgiving What You Can't Forget -- $30 ppd. New. Book by Lysa TerKeurst; Study Guide & Journal included, new. timnikki 08/13 |
Generation NEXT Parenting -- $8 ppd. Good. Tricia Goyer (auth); Multnoah Publishing; softbound. ISBN 1590527488 doublehappy 08/01 |
Homeschooling with a -- $6 ppd. Nice. Meek and Quiet Spirit Terri Maxwell. ISBN 0966910710 family82 08/19 |
Interviewing Your Daughter's Date CD -- $10 ppd. New. Dennis Rainey (Family Life Today), full cast, to dads. 80 mins. . ISBN 9781602000469 susie_r 08/07 |
Jumping Ship by Micheal Debbie Pearl -- $5. New. ISBN 9781892112989 filiaregis 08/09 |
Keeping Our Children's Hearts -- $8 ppd. Nice. Steve and Terri Maxwell. ISBN 0966910761 family82 08/19 |
Let the Children Come -- $11 ppd. Nice. Growing Kids God's Way, 5th edition, Leaders guide only. kurriculumkorner 08/23 |
Little Bk of Christian Char. & Manners -- $5 ppd. Good. paperback, no writing or marks. Character and manners. . susie_r 08/07 |
Making Brothers & Sisters Best Friends -- $4. Nice. Brothers & sisters are among the most important people in life!. ISBN 0971940509 [+] barbara_in_nh 09/12 |
Managers of Their Chores , Grs. K-8 -- $19 ppd. Nice. Erased pencil on few charts, new chore pack kit inc. . ISBN 9780966910797 p31wannabe 07/27 |
Marriage/Parenting - boxes of books -- $2. Nice. misc books on marriage/parenting for sale; ask for pics/titles. lginco 09/09 |
More Charlotte Mason Education -- $9 ppd. Nice. title p loose, name on title page, min wear, no writing. loveteach4kids 08/27 |
No Greater Joy Ministries CD -- $7 ppd. Nice. Best Homeschooling Ideas, by Debi Pearl. bookbliss 09/01 |
Preparing Sons -- $8 ppd. Nice. Steven Maxwell To Provide for Single Income Family. ISBN 0966910737 family82 08/19 |
Real Boys--Rescuing Our Sons from the -- $3. Nice. Myths of Boyhood. Pollack challenges conventional expectations. [+] barbara_in_nh 09/12 |
Sheparding a Child's Heart-Tedd Tripp -- $8. New. ISBN 0966378601 filiaregis 08/09 |
Siblings without Rivalry How to Help -- $4. Good. your children live together so you can live too. . ISBN 9780380799008 [+] barbara_in_nh 09/12 |
That's My Teenage Son -- $8 ppd. Nice. paperback, very good condition, no marks. by Rick Johnson. ISBN 9780800733841 susie_r 08/07 |
The Antelope in the Living Room -- $7 ppd. Nice. NYT bestseller, humorous look at realities of marriage. pback. ISBN 9781414385549 susie_r 08/07 |
The Family Book of Manners -- $5 ppd. Good. showing honor and respect in many different areas; paperback. ISBN 9781557483874 susie_r 08/07 |
The Homeschooling Father -- $8 ppd. Good. Michael P. Farris. ISBN 080542587X family82 08/19 |
The Spiritual Power of a Mother -- $9 ppd. Nice. Michael P. Farris. ISBN 0805425993 family82 08/19 |
The Well-Behaved Child - John Rosemond -- $10 ppd. Nice. Discipline that Really Works, Signed by author, HB. ISBN 9780785229049 lfoote 08/29 |
You Can't Make Me, by Cynthia Tobias -- $5 ppd. Nice. persuading strong-willed kids; hardcover with jacket, clean. . ISBN 9781578561933 susie_r 08/07 |