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A Beka Keyboarding -- $7 ppd. Nice. C 2017, 1st ed. Only solution key and video manual included. . dtexans 08/13 |
A Beka Keyboarding & Document Process Solutio, Grs. 9-12 -- $16 ppd. New. unused, #172316. kurriculumkorner 08/23 |
A Beka Keyboarding & Document Process Text, Grs. 6-12 -- $19 ppd. Nice. unused textbook, 2nd ed, #160407. kurriculumkorner 08/23 |
A Beka Keyboarding & Document Processing Set, Grs. 6-12 -- $49 ppd. Nice. Text, Solutions, Quiz/Test book & Key, Manual/Plans; Curr ed. lginco 09/18 |
A Beka Keyboarding and Document Processing, Grs. 9-12 -- $35 ppd. Nice. eCur Set of 3 Student Text(cover worn) Solution key, Qz/Test key. everydaysunday 08/14 |
Alpha Omega Lifepac Computer Literacy -- $18 ppd. Microsoft Windows XP. ISBN 9780740311031 darylleah 07/30 |
Alpha Omega Lifepac Computer Literacy, Grs. 6-8 -- $15 ppd. Nice. complete Set for Microsoft Word 2002. ISBN 9780740307454 darylleah 07/30 |
Bible Type -- $15 ppd. Fair. [+] slumsdaine 09/06 |
C++ How to program , College -- $20 ppd. Good. Pearson, 9th e. Paul and Harvei Deitel, no writing, nice. ISBN 0133378713 karenl 09/20 |
Creating Your First Webpage , Grs. 6-8 -- $8 ppd. Good. CliffNotes by IDG Books. ISBN 0764585207 doublehappy 08/01 |
E-Learning Companion , Grs. 9-12 -- $7 ppd. Good. student guide to online success; Laurette Education; spiral. ISBN 9781111741938 doublehappy 08/01 |
EXCEL Workbook for Dummies , Grs. 6-12 -- $7 ppd. Nice. Covers updates from 2006; Dummies Publishing Group. doublehappy 08/01 |
Mavis Beacon Teaches Typing Delux, Grs. 6-12 -- $10 ppd. New. Pc Mac cdRom with fb Connect Keyboarding Lessons c2010 Eng/Span. lasmorin 08/30 |
Mavis Beacon Teaches Typing Software, Gr. 8 -- $10. Nice. Version 18 Software download. filiaregis 08/01 |
Photoshop CS for Dummies , Grs. 6-12 -- $8 ppd. Good. Barbara Obermeier (auth); Wiley Publishing. ISBN 0764542397 doublehappy 08/02 |
Sue Patrick's Typing Program pages -- $17 ppd. New. New in shrink wrap. Punched and ready for a binder. . kurriculumkorner 08/23 |
Typing Instructor for Kids -- $14 ppd. Nice. Platinum Series for MAC, Version 5, Unopened. . kkrew 08/01 |