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Look Inside a House -- $4. Good. Poke & Look Learning Books introduce young children to facts. [+] barbara_in_nh 09/12 |
Noodlebug DVDs--3 Avail; Age 18 mos-6 -- $6 ppd. Nice. Per dvd; Set for $15; Let's Pretend; Animal Friends; On the Move. ISBN 9780812633634 topnotchbooks 08/31 |
Slow and Steady Get Me Ready -- $9 ppd. Nice. min wear, no writing, c2002 by June Oberlander, birth to age 5. loveteach4kids 09/05 |
The Nursery Treasury, A Collection of -- $4. Nice. Baby Games, Rhymes & Lullabies. Charming illustrated hardback. ISBN 0385246501 [+] barbara_in_nh 09/12 |