Instructor Richard Fenwick is passionate about making art and art instruction accessible for all students. Classes are relaxed, with projects designed to teach skills while meeting each student at their level.
Kids Art classes are for students ages 7—17 and cover basic drawing and water media: watercolor, gouache, & acrylic.
Wednesdays, 1-3 PM and 4-6 PM at the Trinity Lutheran Church in Dallas. (contact to register)
Thursdays, 1:30pm - 3:30pm or 4pm - 6pm at the Unitarian Universalist church on Cordon & Center. (contact to register)
Classes follow the public school schedule, September—May, with breaks for Thanksgiving, Winter holidays, and Spring break.
Tuition is $30/month, and a one-time $35 supply fee. Some projects may require special materials, for which parents will be notified in advance.
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