The Columbia Marionette Theatre         Broken link?

The website says, ''Your field trip includes: 1)special showing of the mainstage production,2) question & answer session with our puppeteers, 3) backstage tour, 4) hands on experience with marionettes, & 5) field trips usually lasts between 60-90 minutes.'' This website also says, ''Field Trip Cost: 1) $5 each child for less than 65 children. Over 65 children, $4 each, 2) one free chaperone to every 10 kids except on Marionette Mondays, (the 3rd Monday of each month) when all seats are $5'' Arrive at least 15 minutes early. A minimum of 10 kids is required. See website for other information. * (When we went one very young child (no more than 3 years old, I guess) was a little afraid of the marionettes (puppets). Therefore, it may or may not be good to bring your toddler. Use your best judgment concerning this.)

Address: 401 Laurel Street
Columbia, South Carolina  29201
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803-252-7366 Wrong number? No email response?  
Created 9/19/2013
Updated 2/15/2024

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