The SC Railroad Museum (& Train Ride)         Broken link?

Come to Winnsboro, SC and visit the SC Railroad Museum. Come ride the train.
We got several families from different homeschool groups together on a weekday. We went for a train ride in Winnsboro and listened to them tell us some history (about the train). We got a group rate. You must have reservations. The 7 mile train round trip ride trip last about an hour long. There is a museum.
For a recorded messsage dial 803-635-1893. The mailing address is: The South Carolina Railroad Museum, P O Box 7245, Columbia, SC 29202-7246.

Address: 110 Industrial Park Road
Winnsboro, South Carolina  29180
View Google Map
803-635-4242 Wrong number?
Created 3/16/2015

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